Saturday, August 15, 2015

You don't need to have become senile to know that life comes only once. A person, who lives each day as it is the end of his life, has the maturity to keep no expectations, the agility to move ahead, leaving old shards behind; is a person, truly in all sense, happy.

If not happy, then, you really haven't achieved the biggest milestone of life.

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Just the way you are


Thoughts, are the most prompt thing. 

However funny it may sound, you really don't need to "think" to have thoughts. They just come to you, like breathing; without any conscious effort, without having to schedule a time for them. These thoughts, or cognition, are what shape a human being, and is the very fiber of their functioning and existence.

They are the way you perceive the world around you, how you inculcate and breathe in what is around you, in you very near sphere and in your general sphere. They are what make you, YOU! They are the cells of your existence.

Thoughts, could be as random as ever, such like this post. Random at its most. Or they could be well percieved, joining multiple facts and views together. They could be yours to its end, or they could a cluster of various sources. Nevertheless, they make you, they shape you, and can very well break you.